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How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Like MakeMyTrip?
Embarking on the path to develop a tours and travel app like MakeMyTrip is undoubtedly a challenging task, but only if you are not well-versed with the travel booking app development cost.
Mohit Mittal

Mohit Mittal

Oct 31, 2023

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Like MakeMyTrip?

Planning a trip, be it a weekend getaway or an international adventure, has become synonymous with a few essential elements: wanderlust, a sense of adventure, and, of course, a reliable travel app. MakeMyTrip, a pioneer in the travel tech industry, has not only simplified travel planning but has also raised the bar for travel booking app development.


In a world where convenience and customization are the keystones of success, many dream of travel app development can rival MakeMyTrip. However, one looming question remains: How much does it cost to develop an app like MakeMyTrip? The answer is as complex and diverse as the travel experiences it aims to facilitate.


In this journey of app development like MakeMyTrip, we will embark on a quest to uncover the secrets behind the cost to develop an app like MakeMyTrip. So fasten your seatbelts, and let's explore the exciting and ever-evolving world of travel booking app development together. 

Let's Talk


What is the MakeMyTrip App?


MakeMyTrip is a very popular travel booking application and website primarily serving the Indian market. Tours and travel app like MakeMyTrip offers a wide range of travel-related services, including flight bookings for both domestic and international travel. Besides this, users can also consider hotel reservations across various budget categories and customizable holiday packages. 


MakeMyTrip app often offers discounts and deals on bookings. It's a one-stop platform for travelers to plan and book their trips, making it convenient and widely used in India for all aspects of travel planning and reservations. Businesses can plan for similar mobile app development projects to take their tours and travel business to the next level.  


Why is MakeMyTrip App Popular Among Users?



MakeMyTrip is a popular travel and hotel booking app, particularly in India. Before you plan MakeMyTrip clone app, you should know how the app is gaining tremendous popularity among users. Well, several factors contribute to its popularity among users, such as – 


  • User-Friendly Interface


MakeMyTrip offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to search, compare, and book flights, hotels, and holiday packages. The travel app's design and navigation enhance the overall user experience.


  • Comprehensive Travel Services


MakeMyTrip provides a wide range of travel services, including flight bookings, hotel reservations, bus and train bookings, car rentals, and holiday packages. This comprehensive approach allows users to plan and book their entire journey in one place.


  • Competitive Pricing


MakeMyTrip often offers competitive pricing and discounts on flights and hotels. Users can find special deals, cashback offers, and exclusive discounts, making it an attractive platform for budget-conscious travelers.


  • Loyalty Program


MakeMyTrip has a loyalty program called "MyWallet" that rewards users for their bookings. Users can earn and redeem reward points to get discounts on future bookings, encouraging repeat business.


  • Reviews and Ratings


The app includes user reviews and ratings for hotels and other travel services, helping users make informed decisions. This transparency builds trust and assists users in choosing accommodations that match their preferences.


  • Secure Payment Options


MakeMyTrip offers multiple secure payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, mobile wallets, and UPI, making it convenient for users to complete their bookings.


These are some of the major reasons behind the increasing popularity of travel booking application like MakeMyTrip. So, this is just an idea, now let’s move to the main point, i.e., ‘How Much does it cost to develop an app like MakeMyTrip?’ 



Major Factors Determining the Cost to Develop An App Like MakeMyTrip


A basic tour and travel app like MakeMyTrip costs around $10,000 to $35,000. The cost keeps varying depending on the requirements given by the client. To estimate the travel booking app development cost accurately, businesses should consider the following major factors.


1. App Complexity


The complexity of your travel app can be a significant cost-driven factor. MakeMyTrip offers a wide range of features, including flight and hotel bookings, bus and train bookings, holiday packages, and more. The more features you want to include, the more complex and expensive the app will be.


2. Development Platform 


Developing a travel app for multiple platforms will increase the app development cost. So, you can choose to develop a native app for each platform, i.e., iOS and Android, or opt for cross-platform travel mobile app development, which might be more cost-effective.


3. UI/UX Design


Creating an intuitive and attractive user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) is essential, whether you are planning to build a travel mobile app or any other. Unique and complicated design can be expensive, but it's crucial for user engagement and retention. So, besides indulging in travel app development, think of its design as well. 


4. Travel Booking App Development Team


The size and expertise of your travel app development team leave a significant impact on the cost to develop an app like MakeMyTrip. It is advisable to look for a reliable mobile app development company like IMG Global Infotech. Make sure the company should have a team of dedicated developers, creative designers, testers, and quality analysts. 


5. Technology Stack


The choice of programming languages, frameworks, and tools can affect travel planner application development costs. Using open-source technologies can be more cost-effective than proprietary ones. The more trending and popular tech stacks you incorporate, the higher the cost will be to develop an app like MakeMyTrip.


6. Features and Functionality


The more features you want, the more time and resources will be required. Features like real-time flight and hotel data, payment gateways, user profiles, and reviews will add to the cost. So, if you don't have enough budget for travel app development, it is advisable to add only the basic features. 


7. Third-Party Integrations


Plan to integrate third-party services like Google Maps, payment gateways, or APIs from airlines and hotels. There will be travel booking app development costs associated with licensing and development. So, limit the use of third-party integrations if your budget doesn't allow you; otherwise, you will end up spending bucks on developing an app like MakeMyTrip. 


8. Testing and Quality Assurance


Extensive testing is essential to ensure that your travel app, like MakeMyTrip, functions correctly and offers a bug-free experience. This process can be time-consuming and add to more mobile app development costs. To save such costs, it is advisable to take a complete package from a well-known travel mobile app development company in India. The experts will give you an accurate cost estimation of every step involved. 


9. Server and Hosting Costs


Hosting a travel app like MakeMyTrip and its associated databases, as well as managing server infrastructure, will incur ongoing costs to develop an app like MakeMyTrip. So, whenever you hire travel app developers, ask them about the server and hosting costs associated. 


10. Maintenance and Updates


Post-launch, you'll need to budget for ongoing mobile app support & maintenance, updates, and bug fixes. It is often an ongoing cost that should not be overlooked. So, also include this as a part of your travel app development project. 


To get an accurate cost estimate, it's advisable to consult with an experienced mobile app development company or dedicated developers who can provide you with a detailed project proposal.  


Why Should Businesses Develop an App Like MakeMyTrip?


Developing a travel planner application like MakeMyTrip, a popular online travel booking app development platform, can be a lucrative endeavor for businesses for multiple reasons. So, if you are one of those wondering, 'Why should I develop a travel app like MakeMyTrip?' you should read this. 

Lucrative Travel Industry

The travel and tourism industry is a vast and continuously growing market. By developing a travel app, businesses can tap into this multi-billion-dollar industry.

Diversified Revenue Streams

A travel booking app can generate revenue through various channels, including flight bookings, hotel reservations, car rentals, vacation packages, and more. These diverse revenue streams can enhance profitability and also help businesses balance the cost of developing an app like MakeMyTrip.

User Convenience

Travel apps offer users the convenience of booking flights, hotels, and other travel-related services from the comfort of their smartphones. This convenience can attract a large user base. So, being a small business, you can expand more while opting for a travel booking app development plan

Mobile-First Approach

With the increasing use of smartphones, businesses must adopt a mobile-first approach. Having a travel app ensures you are accessible to users on their preferred platform. So, get ready to launch your travel app on Google Play Store and App Store. 

Personalized Experience

Travel apps can use data analytics and AI to provide users with personalized recommendations and offers, enhancing the user experience and potentially increasing sales. So, you can leverage the latest tools and technologies to come up with upgraded travel app development solutions and let your business soar to the heights of success. 

Market Expansion

An app can help expand your market reach. You can target both domestic and international customers, attracting travelers from various regions. So, be ready to cover a wide range of markets with an exclusive travel application. 

Competitive Advantage

Creating an app like MakeMyTrip can help your business stand out from competitors. It can also give you an edge in the market by offering unique features or better services. Connect with the best mobile app development company and leave all your competitors behind with a feature-rich travel app like MakeMyTrip.

Monetization Opportunities

Besides commissions from bookings, you can monetize your app through in-app advertisements, premium subscriptions, and partnerships with local businesses for cross-promotion. You can also hire dedicated mobile app developers who can help you leverage the best monetization strategies after developing a tours and travel app. 

Feedback and Reviews

Apps allow users to leave feedback and reviews, which can help you understand and address customer concerns, leading to improved services. It will make your app more reliable while helping businesses gain users' trust. 

However, it's important to note that developing and maintaining a travel app like MakeMyTrip is a complex undertaking. It requires significant investments in technology, marketing, and customer support. Competition in this industry is fierce, and success will depend on offering unique features, exceptional user experiences, and competitive pricing. Conduct thorough market research, plan your business strategy carefully, and consider working with experienced app developers to ensure your app's success.



Final Thoughts!


Embarking on the path to develop a tours and travel app like MakeMyTrip is undoubtedly a challenging task, but only if you are not well-versed with the travel booking app development cost. The cost to develop an app like MakeMyTrip depends on multiple factors. However, the crux of achieving success hinges upon stringent planning, a proficient development team, and cultivating a profound understanding of your target demographic. 


So, by adopting a strategic approach to the MakeMyTrip development process, you can come up with a competitive mobile app development approach. At IMG Global Infotech, our travel app development company always follow a streamlined process for creating travel software that earns huge revenue and success in no time.

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